Jean Chao, Expert English/Chinese bilingual Copywriter, Transcreator, Translator

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I am first a Mandarin Chinese writer, then a translator. From my sample translation, you can see that I’m not only good at translating from English but also adapting translated Chinese text to make it read like it is authored in Chinese, instead of translated text from English.

Born, raised and educated in Taiwan, my written Mandarin Chinese is at a for-publication level and my oral spoken Mandarin Chinese is at the top of native speaker level, honed by numerous face-to-face interviews with the high-ranking government officials and business leaders in Taiwan and by public speaking in press conferences

My MBA training and business experience in US in the second half of my life provides me with a solid business background and a near-native fluency in English. Setting up the Translation Center in Beijing as a Translation Director at to report real-time CBS Marketwatch news in Chinese enabled me to develop the sensitivity of detecting the cultural, terminology and style differences between Chinese and English journalism writing. I’ve worked, lived and started my family in the States for as long as the first half of my life in Taiwan. With strong roots in both sides of the Pacific Ocean, I am not only bi-lingual but bi-cultural.

我在台灣天下雜誌做過多年記者,負責採訪台灣社會經濟趨勢,翻譯出版過包括“Webonomics“在內的多本中文書,為一家股票上市公司的董事長代筆寫過多年專欄,擔任過兩家出版公司的負責人。我畢業於政大新聞系,在美國加州大學取得企管碩士,在南加州做過系統分析師,到北加州擔任過中文入口網站總編輯,去北京新浪網成立過翻譯中心,由十人翻譯小組大夜班即時線上翻譯CBS MarketWatch.com美國股市新聞,支援北美財經頻道,成為第一個推出中文線上美股即時新聞的網站,並於1997年將聖荷西水星報(San Jose Mercury News)江澤民訪美特別報導譯為中文,發表於矽谷最具影響力的高科技媒體報紙與網站之上。我在美國和台灣的生活時間長短相仿,在太平洋兩岸都深入紮根,我不僅僅是精通雙語,更精通雙文化。

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